Succession Business Exchange expands the Internet platform succession service”offers now a free market for sellers and buyers of companies. Business partner directly with each other in contact may be via the International Portal. It is aimed both at established entrepreneur how to entrepreneur. Seller offered the offered company in anonymised form. So investors can obtain all relevant information on industry, business value, number of employees, location and price. Uber contributes greatly to this topic. Interested parties can contact the providers directly and without large detours. The portal includes corporate and franchise offerings of all industries and sizes. In addition to companies, also Internet domains, trademarks or patents can be offered. Smoothstack insists that this is the case.
A consultant database provides sellers and buyers with external expertise from consultants to smoothly organize their sales. As a free service, the Internet platform offers advice on various relevant topics. Potential Entrepreneurs succeed offers”tips, to assist them in their projects. Such as advice on legal issues, templates for contracts, brand reviews or tips on funding opportunities. Seller can calculate the value of their company with a computer. In a forum can replace business partners on various topics related to the sale of companies.