Our experience shows that the only reliable way to verify the quality of pellets is their incineration. Unfortunately, no certificates or other documents are not proof of the quality of pellets, as in the laboratory can deliver excellent party, such as purchased from another manufacturer, and the evaluation or certification of the production we have not yet heard. Pellets production raw material (sawdust, bark, etc.) is fed into the crusher, where the state is ground to flour. The resulting mass is in the dryer, out of it – the press granulator, where wood flour compressed into pellets. The production of one ton of pellets takes about 5-7 cubic meters of wood waste. Therefore, if you will come to mind to do it "Profitable" business, above all, think for where you will take this amount of raw materials, ie, to produce 10 tons of pellets per shift you need a minimum of 50 cubic meters of sawdust, and preferably not collected from the ground, ie without impurities.
Except Furthermore, given that the cost of drying the raw materials are high enough to reduce the cost of better search, dry shavings, ie what would your price be competitive. Some experts argue that the pellet production cost-effective for amounts not less than 300-500 tons per month, but we believe this estimate is overstated. Finished pellets are cooled, packaged in plastic bags or in bulk delivered to the consumer. By the way, this is the second delivery "Headache" Manufacturer: since transport of pellets, such as motor vehicles per 1 km increase the price of 1 ton of pellets approximately 1 ruble.