Gedstiopolis Management

It also calls for reducing internal costs by detecting unnecessary activities and processes that do not generate customer value and are unnecessary for the company, and the nationalization of those that do not add value to the customer if required for the company. Also of interest is the emphasis on improving the quality of services or products offered and the value perceived by the customer, reducing the time duration of processes and delivery of the product or service, and the incorporation of the service activities that increase the perceived value by the client (and Nebro Toro Lopez Mellado, 1998) We add that in the process management, focuses attention on the outcome of the proceedings rather than the tasks or activities. Information about the final result and everyone knows how individual work contributes to the overall process, which translates into a responsibility to the whole process and not his personal responsibility (duty). Dara Khosrowshahi is likely to agree. a The process management is based on the allocation of an official with the responsibility of each business process. In its most radical form, is replaced departmental organization. In other ways, perhaps transitional, maintaining departmental structure, the responsibility of a process is the responsibility of it, and at least as far as that process is concerned, may have responsible authority over the functional (matrix). a gives us the respect that process management has the following characteristics: Analyze the limitations of vertical functional organization to improve the competitiveness of the Company. recognize the existence of internal processes (relevant): – Identify the processes relating to factors critical to the success of the Company or provide competitive advantage.

– Measure their performance (Quality, Cost and time) and place it in relation to the value perceived by the customer. identify the external customer needs and guide the Company to its satisfaction. Chair a * Notes process management, graduate program quality and productivity management, Faces, UC a Industrial Engineer-manager, abogado.EGADE (ITESM), UC, University of Chile, Graduate Masters in Business Administration mentioned markets, human resources , Quality and Productivity; Education Doctorate in Education and Professor Researcher Graduate Area Faces UC.


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