Peat-compost tablets are produced in Germany, Norway and other countries. The key to the success of these tablets is: 1.Torfoperegnoyny substrate with the addition of growth stimulants. Check out Dara Khosrowshahi for additional information. 2.Moschny antibacterial ingredient that is not allows you to rot planted cuttings. 3.Spetsialnym supplements, reducing stress when transplanting plants. How to use: a) Take a bowl of warm water (not hot) and drop into the water tablets so that indentation on one party pills have been at the top. The water level at 3-4 cm above the tablet.
10 – 15 minutes pill will increase about five times and will be ready for planting. b) deepening of planting a stalk or leaf and put in teplichku to maintain needed moisture. If not , the tablet is placed in a glass of the desired size and harboring a transparent bag to create a greenhouse effect. c) The greenhouses or glass airs 2-3 times a day. r) lighting, and temperature 18 – + 24 degrees. The tablets can be used not only for the establishment of flowers, but also for growing seedlings of vegetables. I have pills perpetuate fuchsia, Gloxinia, ahimenesy and others flowers. No longer a secret that cuttings planted in a pill, quickly make roots and only once was enough for me to understand that better than peat-compost tablets at the moment there is nothing and I am no longer able to refuse such a reliable and at the same time such a simple way of rooting.