Health Centres

Noise control in a hospital building without due and proper acoustic treatment health centers and hospitals, can present serious problems for its inhabitants. Considered a critical building by its multiple functions, according to experts it is necessary to have a specialized, ideally acoustic project that is defined in the design stage. We must prevent noises. Acoustically isolated hospital rooms is no easy task. A number of factors should be considered. By be buildings of high complexity and low integral acoustics since they are composed of a wide range of functional units and services these areas deserve a specific study of noise and vibration control.

According to the experts consulted, the ideal is contemplating noise control systems from the design stage, already to rehabilitate an existing structure could considerably raise the investment and, at the same time be very invasive, reducing the size of rooms, halls or hallways. In a hospital compound coexist various activities such as surgical rooms of recovery, attention to public, among others. Therefore, design requirements should be such that it allows the development of each of these activities alone and together. It should be controlled, among others, the reverberation in hallways and waiting rooms to avoid the sounds that occur in these sectors, affecting sensitive enclosures as well as acoustic insulation between areas and the control of noise and vibration for equipment and machinery. We must prevent the noise. Sources of noise in these rooms there are two types of categories of distinct noises, the external and the internal.

1. External noises: are the strongest and complex deal. Hospitals settle in easily accessible areas, and therefore close to sources of noise, says Esteban Ruedlinger, IDIEM acoustic engineer.


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