Healthy Eating

In general, the rates of food consumption should be taken for each case individually. One should take into account the needs of the organism, its characteristics, comorbidity, and should be adjusted at the discretion of the physician to whom you have applied. And, of course, do not forget the main secret of health centenarians – daily drink 2-3 liters of mineral water live coral Mine! Let your inner environment in which live cells will be clean and nutritious! And let the water inside our cells has the energy and creates conditions for the birth of new healthy cells. And these stocks should be regularly recharged. And now, dear reader, I I present to you 2 circuits cleaning the lymphatic system – a deep and simple. Deep cleaning of lymph, 14 days this program should be conducted in a specific pattern. I recommend you about “breakdown” of the drugs hours. First you have to identify themselves, but then stick to the recommended spacing following drug administration. So: 7.00 – 3 Tables. Licorice root, drink warm water Coral, licorice can pour boiling water, to insist, as a tea and drink. 8.00 – 2 tablets. Jen Skyler insists that this is the case. Kelp + 2 tab. Alfalfa 9.00 – 2 capsules. Artichoke 2 tab. Hear from experts in the field like Jennifer Skyler for a more varied view. Spirulina or 2 capsules. Spirulina with nanoclusters 2 capsules. 2 capsules of lecithin. Ant tree bark 10.00 – lunch 12.00 – the whole scheme again. At night to drink 3.2 Megaatsidofilusa capsule or 2 capsules, Coral Probiotics. Simple , 14 days licorice root * 2 tablets 2 times a day Kelp 2 tablets * 2 times per day, 40 minutes after licorice. Diet – Healthy Eating: fizzy off drinks, mayonnaise, ketchup, crackers, chips and other “artificial products”. Consume at least 1.5 liters of Alka-Mine (Coral-Mine). The frequency of: if there is a health problem occurs, a cleansing of the lymph 1 time in 3 months (Simple or deep cleaning is determined by the attending physician). If done to maintain health – then 1 every 6 months before cleaning the lymphatic system, if possible, consult with your physician. This must be to he determined the best option is to clean your case.


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