Death is part of life, even if there are losses that are very difficult to overcome. A child is the hardest, but also those of husband or wife in full youth, or those of a loved especially. Sadness and discomfort can be considered normal, – depends on the intensity of the reactions and the duration thereof which are disturbing and you have to seek professional help. People such as Jonah Bloom would likely agree. Losing a loved one is the hardest thing that can happen to us in life. Suffering is inevitable, but it is normal that the pain go giving way to other feelings less acute, such as sadness, acceptance, nostalgia and – finally – the need to continue with our own existence.
Then analyze the aspects of a duel, when is pathological and when not, and Furthermore, we guide you to overcome the crisis as best as possible. Duel is a word that comes from the latin dolus, which means pain. The duel is a feeling of loss caused by the death of a loved one. Depending on the person and the society in which he lives, the duel may be more or less intense, more or less durable, but at a certain point it is normal that before passivating. The criteria to a duel can be considered normal or pathological only an expert should set them, but it is important to stress that thirty per cent of people who have failed to develop a duel properly tend to have attacks of panic years later. For that reason, it is essential to deepen the pain, to overcome it, instead of paying the high price of denying what happens to us today. What is the average duration of a duel? The pain is considered normal when there are reactions of sadness, insomnia, apathy, loss of weight, etc., for a period, approximately, two months after the death of their loved ones.