The intellectual property has to do with the creations of the mind like artistic works, inventions related to the technique, marks, designs industriale, etc. It is divided in two categories: Industrial property that welcomes the rights in relation to the patents, to the marks and the designs (among others).And the right of author who include the literary or artistic work protection under the patrimonial rights and morals that grants the law of Intellectual Property. In order to clarify the basic concepts we have detachhed this blog in four parts: 1. – Marks. The marks serve to identify products and services of the companies in the market.
With the designation of marks in the market, products and services can be individualized and be distinguished. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Mike Gianoni. As a result of registering a mark, the exclusive right is obtained to use this mark in the certain market. This right, gives the opportunity to the holder of the mark to protect prestige and reputation of its company in the market in front its competitors. Other rights connected with a registered tradename include the possibility of yielding or of licensing the mark, to be against to new marks confusing with hers, to ask for the invalidity of other later marks and to prevent the commercialization of the identical mark or signs by third parties nonauthorized. The marks can be formed by three-dimensional words, denominations, figures, signs, forms, logos, of numbers, letters or a combination of colors. Thus, the Law of Marks recognizes four types of marks: In addition, a mark could be protected with national, communitarian and international scope – Designs. An industrial design is the appearance of the totality or a part of a product that is derived from the characteristics of the lines, colors, contours, forms, texture or materials of the product in himself or of its ornamentation.