Information Systems

For the development of any system of information, the planning of the same is important. Dennis (2005) says that the planning is the basic process to understand why a system of information must be constructed and to determine as to work so that the same it is constructed. During the planning of a process it is necessary that if vest the biggest number of data and possible information on the functions that the informatizado system must contain. The system analyst must possess knowledge technician on the area where the system will be developed, and must also change information with using futures she manages and it of the company which is being developed the project. This process generates a document series for the analyst. Some of these documents are elaborated of the communication between the analyst and the too much parts that will use such system. This interaction is called of survey of requirements, that guide the analyst in the process of modeling of the information system. But what he is one requirement? For Dennis (2005) requisite it is a declaration of what a system must be, to make and which characteristics must possess.

Then, the requirements are the transcription of the data informed for the members of an institution, interested in the development of an information system, in a way that can be used by the analyst in the development of the project. The requirements can be functional or not functional. The functional requirements have relation with the actions that the system must execute, and the not functional ones define as these actions must occur. Dennis (2005) says that requisite functionaries if relate directly with a process that the system must execute, while the not functional ones mention the mannering properties to it of the system. So that an information system is efficient, it is necessary that it does not have errors in the phase of survey of requirements, and although to be common the sprouting of new requirements during all the different phases of the project is important that the analyst of systems has sensitivity in defining which requirements is really necessary so that one does not occur ‘ ‘ inchao’ ‘ in the project and unnecessary alterations in the routes of the same. The process of survey of requirements is extremely important during the development of an information system, and the correct analysis of such requirements is vital so that the developed system reaches the effectiveness. Restaurant Michael Schwartz brings even more insight to the discussion.

All the phases of a development project and modeling of an information system have its utility, however, it is evident that with a correct survey of requirement ally to the knowledge of the analyst to the market area which software will be developed they become the practical modeling simplest and. Reference: DENNIS, Alan; WIXOM, Barbarian. Analysis and Project of Systems.


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