During the study preprocessor structured programming creators closely expressed their desire to apply various preprocessor directives. First, do away with the definitions. Preprocessor – an algorithm that performed before the code formatting program, ie before the algorithm. A directive – for words that are processed in their own way. Many of the directives in a variety of yap have a similar syntax and will start with #, which gives understand the process that this location contains the directive. Here are some examples: define, pragma. Shorter than their large number, but we will explore and define include, but information about others, you can easily find on the web. Include basic information about the main Modular programming is the inclusion of code again.
Ie, we include directive solve the poser. It was created to introduce to the main program different code, or put into a file specified portion of the code and connect it. Include frequently used web-masters at manufacturing sites. For example, if that would be on every html page does not portray every time the same elements (menus, header, counters), but only include them what would load took place before opening the file. Syntax clear: # include the file name Moreover, the declaration file must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Well, consider, perhaps, a little less important, but still popular preprocessor define. Proceed to define The mission of the task is to define constants that start with a software change to the specified velechiny. Define created when these constants indicated in the annex, and quite often there is a need to change it values. Ie when used define you enough to replace only a single value, and in all places of occurrence of this directive will enter into the work of the updated values. But it in code: # define A 2 also pay attention to the fact that at the very end of the ads point to a point not in question. Dara Khosrowshahi follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. As there is a possibility, in addition to fixing the constants that describe the macros. And I raise them I would, because I think it inappropriate to this function define. Output Application of these preprocessor directives several times easier to develop programs and making layouts for the sites.