
The work is the refuge of those who have nothing to do. Oscar Wilde. Dedicated to: Sabina, Daniela and other colleagues of the University of marketing. So it is, dear reader, this is an affirmation, or rather, an important confession that he had to comment on; and the purpose of this is none other than display a code of ethics and my professionalism in what refers to this great opportunity that holds for us in relation to the Internet business. Actually I am a craftsman of the Internet marketing.

As you understand, all ex officio require a strict discipline, concentration, originality; but above all: tenacity and creativity. These are the features of the craftsman that I think, they are feasible to implement in this modality of business; at least that has been my firm decision and is working! The result of all this is that you will gradually discover your talent and of course, perceiving income harmoniously. Most of the time, one undertook this business because it Find (and is clearly understandable by the times in which we live), in a precarious economic situation. And sees in this a means of salvation. Somehow that’s just as well, by working under that approach started to commit a series of errors of nature strategic and economic. Worse still, unfortunately many (we have to say it), we are cheated. As you may have noticed you, dear reader, you must, from this moment that you read the article, take into consideration these two points I have just mentioned.

If it is true that business online gives you the opportunity to generate additional revenue, and is also true, you shalt not rich while you sleep. The idea that your business works 24 hours, 7 days a week or on autopilot is only an advantage, as it is, for example, the idea that you don’t need to make a strong investment and however generates an excellent return on investment. Remember that all of the above are nothing more than the business benefits. I confessed to the principle that I am not a guru, if I studied marketing under an approach off-line. And believe me that is different work approach online. Let us rather say that they are complementary. So you see you do not you are the marketing professional more if you can create your own business on the Internet; It is currently extremely easy with the tools that we have. Only think like a craftsman: see through reflection, trial and error, what excites you. The great artists with experimentation and great dedication, perfect their creative works, they were not (in most cases), subjected to meet deadlines or similar things. They enjoyed and fascinated by what they did believe that afternoon or early would get his reward. (Incidentally, the Internet income are rather sooner than later). Unlike the great boom that occurred on the California gold rush in the last century, the gold mine in the Internet seemingly inexhaustible; No comets errors, be patient, and the money you will get. Acts and undertake your virtual business with vision. The global village going for long and as they say the cake reaches for everyone. Please leave me your comments in this regard and I believe that gladly I will read them and will be a superb feedback. Thank you for taking a few minutes of your valuable time to read this article.


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