Maubert Work

The reason mobinga can become anything. Banal envy, you get more than a colleague or looks better than them. Someone’s ambitions or plans, you turned out to be an obstacle on the path to the desired seat. Passing offense, you have insulted someone a careless remark. As a result, colleagues harbored resentment against you. But even if there is a single copy offended, he may well be a formal or informal leader with great potential.

AND away we go … Easier and less painfully of all, if Maubert be your boss, he just dismiss unwanted employee. Fight it difficult or even impossible, unless you do not have a powerful patron. In this case, better to live and find a new job. Worse, if the role act Maubert colleagues. In their arsenal, the gossip, petty mischief type of tea spilled on the documents, complaints, slander and openly expressed doubts about your capabilities. But If the documents you can throw on the printer again, gossip deem inevitable cost of falling out of a series of ‘dullness and banality’ and boykotuprotivopostavit open conversation, with latent aggression to fight much harder. As Do you like the following situation: about your orders chronically overlooked, and responsibility for project piled collectively in the face of superior hang on you? Yes, and flavor is a generous portion of comments: it refuses to colleagues for assistance, late for work, to discuss business phone personal affairs and do not cope.

Even if you make up your mind to disprove everything said and talk to the boss directly, his head is not applicable comes something like: ‘No smoke without fire’. And here you once again the extreme, a pariah and a candidate for dismissal. And no matter how strong a person you may be, sooner or later you will visit the uncertainty in their abilities, lack of interest in work, and even something more serious, chronic stress, for example. Options, actually, two: to accept and leave or fight. If you do not feel ready to go against a tank and be awarded posthumously the title of hero, if the working location does not limit your dreams, if at all great team you have no potential ally-go. With her head held high. But if the goal is (to stay in this company) justifies the means (neisbezhnye corporate carnage, time and nerves, which in this potrebuyutsya) try to fight. Just remember: the passive-defensive posture will not bring the desired fruit. Have to go on the offensive. To start vosstanovi’istoriyu disease ‘, outlined the range of suspects (his detractors), think about what could cause a dislike of each of them estimated their weight in the team. As a result, you’ll be able to identify their chief personal enemy or group of enemies. Try to identify the cause of the conflict. Pay special attention to the question that each of your colleagues will give your dismissal or defamation. Perhaps etaprichina not worth a damn and will settle all the frank talk. If Maubert slipped to explicitly humiliate you as a person, thoughtful. It is not from the sky as they fell. Perhaps you yourself once gave reason to believe that any oskarblenie swallow. Your main strategic goal is not to give reasons to doubt the professional kompitentnosti. Therefore, work, work and work again! Do not let promashek, which may be wood in the fire of corporate wars. Create your own reputation, if not ideal, then good and valuable employee.

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