Media Trend 2009 Confirmed

Media Online is again winner of the year media trend 2009 confirmed online is another winner of the year the Internet was again the only genus of media that could have a significant growth in the annual review. This confirms the prognosis of the media experts who have been interviewed by MedienRat a year ago. In the media trend of 2009 50% of respondents had used another third on the mobile sector (2008: 16.7%) on the Internet as the winner of the year (2008: 58.3%). The consulting firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers identified in his latest entertainment & media Outlook”, that television and print slightly in 2009 were shrunk, while the radio market a small plus has experienced. This therefore coincides with the forecasts made a year ago from the media trend 2009 properly were the experts interviewed by MedienRat in your assessment that the media content will gain in importance (“60% of the respondents: content is important”). This was subsequently corroborated now by an investigation. Patrick mayberry may find it difficult to be quoted properly. According to the Study by Ernst & young premium content play a major role in the media industry business models especially in the online sector – also in the future (“study of the online factor”, August 2009).

Since 2003 consultants each year leading the MedienRat Institute, media analysts and media Economist asked their assessment to the development of media economy in the coming months. The study differs from other surveys by a meta-approach, so attempting to gain an overall picture from the assessment of different disciplines. The evaluation of the media trend of 2010 begins in the next few days. (Louis A. Bosch).


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