This group of flute candy had approximately 20 pupils. With the arrival of instruments of blow in 1999 the City department of Educao (SEMEC) yielded a space in its proper building for the first lessons with the just fond instruments for creation of the municipal band. In the year of 2000, the city hall rented a destined space to function the assays and new groups of musicalizao by means of the flute-candy. The objective of the musicalizao was to form a Band ' ' B' ' the pupils who if detached in the flute-candy lessons had the possibility to learn to touch one of the instruments that the band possua, for this, in the year of 2001, the Government of Mayor Mario Wolf, some of integrant the oldest ones of the main band gained a stock market even though to monitor lessons in the flute-candy and blow instruments. He is in the same year that in the building that it are rented for the assays of the band started to function as a music school taking care of in that year almost 300 pupils.
Between the new pupils who were part of the Band ' ' B' ' he was the pupil of trompete Diego Cotes de Moraes brother of the trompetista of the Band main David Cotes de Moraes. To the 13 years of age in a tragic accident Diego Cotes it loses the life. The impact of its death provoked distinct homage of the city that instituted by means of Law N. 30032003 the name of the School of Music and Municipal Band: Municipal school of Music Diego Cotes de Moraes and Municipal Band of Uruar Diego Cotes de Moraes.