Natasha Petz: Diatyoga For Beginners In The Ufa Factory

Music and comedy in high quality offers the solo program by Natascha Petz, which had its premiere at the ufa factory on the Tempelhofer Harbour. Profile of Natasha Petz: classically trained actress and singer, height 1,60 m, rather plump body shapes, the chanson-comedy cabaret group WOMEDY, their own chanson programs and voice actor with many engagements and infinite power of women for years. A great artist of the chanson stage just! The comic music program Diatyoga for beginners”is in addition to diets rather to couple relationships and the own body feeling. I am honest: sometimes I feel really old, even though I’m in the best years! “Until we physically go, you have however, been a mental orange peel…!” The real Berlin Womedy from Wilmersdorf comes as versatile chansonette, Bell-clear tubing and articulated rapper with a well-trained soprano voice, out loud and even quietly on the stage. Natasha Petz tells of the barbecue chicken figurine”at Yoga.

speaks with their biological clock, will the phone-vamp and reported with hip swinging of their dreams. With the natural spontaneity of the artist, the audience in the sold-out Wolfgang Neuss is tied salon from the first minute. “” She sings of the fun in life I like to eat “, chatroom experience, the dream of a man, by the age and after Waterloo” by ABBA the SMS song. The voice of the singer is the chanson and couplethaften pieces of music, often under the skin! In a musical double pack with the pianist Christoph Wagner, the singer Natasha makes a perfect stage team Petz. The music-and comedy show is what resulted certainly Gerburg Jahnke (Missfits), for the concept of responsible, and Thomas Nicolai (Director) is a round evening. The audience talked well! Thomas Moser Baird-press (www.berli-press.

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