Music and comedy in high quality offers the solo program by Natascha Petz, which had its premiere at the ufa factory on the Tempelhofer Harbour. Profile of Natasha Petz: classically trained actress and singer, height 1,60 m, rather plump body shapes, the chanson-comedy cabaret group WOMEDY, their own chanson programs and voice actor with many engagements and infinite power of women for years. A great artist of the chanson stage just! The comic music program Diatyoga for beginners”is in addition to diets rather to couple relationships and the own body feeling. I am honest: sometimes I feel really old, even though I’m in the best years! “Until we physically go, you have however, been a mental orange peel…!” The real Berlin Womedy from Wilmersdorf comes as versatile chansonette, Bell-clear tubing and articulated rapper with a well-trained soprano voice, out loud and even quietly on the stage. Natasha Petz tells of the barbecue chicken figurine”at Yoga.
speaks with their biological clock, will the phone-vamp and reported with hip swinging of their dreams. With the natural spontaneity of the artist, the audience in the sold-out Wolfgang Neuss is tied salon from the first minute. “” She sings of the fun in life I like to eat “, chatroom experience, the dream of a man, by the age and after Waterloo” by ABBA the SMS song. The voice of the singer is the chanson and couplethaften pieces of music, often under the skin! In a musical double pack with the pianist Christoph Wagner, the singer Natasha makes a perfect stage team Petz. The music-and comedy show is what resulted certainly Gerburg Jahnke (Missfits), for the concept of responsible, and Thomas Nicolai (Director) is a round evening. The audience talked well! Thomas Moser Baird-press (www.berli-press.