Donations result in Q2 2012 increased the fundraiser of the onOffice Software GmbH together with their cooperation partner was also in the second quarter of the year 2012 a great success. “As a whole could donate a donation total of 1,124 on the account of the action is” an initiative of German children and Youth Foundation – be transferred. We are excited about increasing the donation sum when compared to the first quarter and thank users that already many have submitted their plans to all onOffice smart. The entire onOffice team hopes also in the following months on a high motivation of donations the customers”explained Dipl. kfm.
Stefan Mantl, Managing Director of onOffice Software GmbH, the second quarter result of the fundraiser. “Receives with the guaranteed action period until 31 December 2012 the German children and Youth Foundation planning certainty for current and future projects within the donation forms”-action. The provider of online-based Realtor software closes with another positive outcome of the Spendenaufrufs an extension of the action not out..