What we can make to the respect? Simple, to also think beyond having in the being, and cultuar the good one, the beauty and just in the retail, with our brothers, our children, our wife, our next one. Not to divulge maledicncias, not to look the hell, not to give course the bad one, to the envy and the misunderstanding. Nailing and practising the good and the healthful life. Searching the growth spiritual and making with that all its return can be established in an understanding and delicacy, pureness spirit, because thus we will have to find a full life for all. entioned in discussions such as these. Yes, he is true that we came to the world? under the form of rational beings? to be happy.
But happiness is not only to possess a new well, an car a house, a TV? Led? of 42 counts, photographic, filmadoras machines, pretty dresses and to enjoy of pleasures of the meat? everything that the money can buy. Happiness thus can be understood only as contentment? therefore? transitory, fugaz, ephemeral. the life is not alone contentment, is work, accomplishment, example, health and peace, also. Also a happiness in the peace, the harmony, the accomplishment of the work and the given service exists the next one. Because this happiness starts with work, effort in the search of an ideal, the untiring fight in search of an accomplishment and, mainly, in the overcoming of the desires and the mundane pleasures – those profusamente condemned by the prophet Pablo de Tarso. The god money? our new gold year-old calf? now it is the responsible one for catastrophes as the emptying of oil in the Gulf of Mexico? finishing with the life in the region it is known there for how much time. On behalf of a profit to be hoarded by one few shareholders of the Brists Petrleum. the too much disasters that we see to occur in way happens frequently? global heating, causing desgelo of the polar regions – disruption of the ozone layer, caused for vapors of the vehicles and the devices, wild deforestation, for production of pasture coal production without nobody tries if wants to bind the wild search for easy profit to the loss of quality of natural life.