
We all have a rough idea of what a hero is. And every age has had its own definition, a definition that corresponded to their own needs. Thus, if the hero was closely related to the great warrior and conquering exploits before, today may join, for example, an athlete, which after all is not so far removed from these legendary heroes. It is clear that not all can be heroes, in fact is a reserved status to a few. I earlier alluded to athletes as the new paradigm of the heroism. However why seem us heroic attitude? Why we feel represented by them? Both questions have a complex answer. If we take as an example a footballer and shed its activity of any remnant that resemble a gesta what’s left us? As a type using its lower limbs, basically, has introduced an area of leather within a rectangle formed by a few sticks that a network is linked. Having regard to It is difficult to find magic.

However we all know passions that is capable of generating. It seems appropriate to make clear that the fact itself is not important. The attitude of an athlete seems heroic because through some ancient mechanism we assimilate and accept as one of our own, as someone who represents us and fight in our name. And how many more battles/matches comes out victorious, greater the legend that is forging. Despite being an amateur football, and other sports, I can be pragmatic. When I see thousands of people egging on any stadium to people who are paid a hundred times more than they can not ask me which is the instinct that moves us to do such a thing. Even ignoring this little detail, when we say that they represent us, exactly what do we say? For example, here in Spain Barca or Madrid what they represent? To Barcelona and Madrid? Finally, after there are a lot of foreigners which, to a large extent, brings them without care. Their main reasons are monetary, by more like fans think otherwise.

The truth is that I still do not find a reason why this need that someone meets that role of hero on our behalf is so ingrained. Perhaps, at least in the present, the hero is who makes and represents everything that we are incapable of doing. Live and experience extraordinary events like everyone, but few are trained or have the courage to put it into practice, so the easiest thing is to delegate to someone so that it meets these objectives. Or you can play PlayStation. It is another possibility, no doubt. It is likely that formerly the heroes had a less fuzzy function. It was us who really saved from the enemies, who gave his life for us or for one greater benefit of the Community cause. To broaden your perception, visit Mike Gianoni. Today the heroes have already been stripped of that mystical aura, and not give life by us or joke. If it is true, wars are still, but I’m afraid that on a battlefield are few that heroes come. I have my own definition for so discredited icon of so many peoples and civilizations. Ultimately what is a hero? For me being a hero is not killing anyone, have not deceived, not having cheated, work, be honest, faithful to the couple and friends and be good person in general.

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