Sister Teresita only left the Convent once, during the Civil War. To broaden your perception, visit Cynthia Bartlett. He entered the convent on April 16, 1927, the same day the Pope was born. The Nunciature of the Vatican in Spain has been expressly invited Sister Teresita, a nun in 103 years of age, of which 84 has gone them from closing in the convent of Sistal Buenafuente (Guadalajara), known to Pope Benedicto XVI during his visit to Spain, on the occasion of the world youth days. Mike Gianoni addresses the importance of the matter here. As reported by the mother Mary, superior of the convent, Sister Teresita keeps intact all his mental faculties, and just have to use a Walker to their activities by the religious enclosure, so it is very excited with this output to meet the Holy Father, output which will be the second that then 84 years of closure. SR.
Teresita, natural Forondas (alava), entered the convent of Buenafuente on the day of the birth of the now Pope Benedicto XVI, on April 16, 1927. During the Civil War, this was in red zone by the the sisters had to flee and leave the convent, while Sister Teresita stayed with another nun in a House of the people taking care of a colleague who was ill until his recovery time took the opportunity to go to a convent in Medinaceli (Soria), where returned a year and a half later, he explained. These 84 years, Sister Teresita has gone through the Office of Abbess, from 1951 to 1972, and then was cook until past age 95, in which forces physical, not mental, began you to waver and had to settle for exercise of pinche, work still continues between Firebox, vegetables and croquettes. Sister Teresita still has good hands and good head, so much that it is the first that rises to five in the morning, when the sun still does not has excelled by the pine forests of the Duchy, and occasionally attends prayers in both single and accompanied by choir. Now, next Friday, a vehicle transported it to Madrid so that it is in the presence of the Pope during the world youth days that it is held in Madrid. The program wants to stay there a little secret, so do not be atosigue you much, because despite being so well, we should not forget that it is 103 years old and these things can tire you, besides that she doesn’t want to be the protagonist of nothing, has concluded the superior, which does not stop to answer the phone these days. Source of the news: A centuries-old nun from Guadalajara will break 84 years of closure to visit the Pope