It is being debated about the solar subsidies after photovoltaics had gained momentum, ensues a renewed discussion of the promotion of solar. But studies have shown that the development of renewable energy without the Sun makes no sense. Therefore, it needs a clear direction in energy policy instead of constant reorientation. Now renewable energy flow more kilowatt hours than the remaining nuclear power plants about 20 percent by German power grids last year produced. The solar power contributed 18 billion kilowatt hours and is mostly accepted by consumers. Despite this success stories, a political discussion on the solar promotion breaks loose now. The course was set only newly last year down to the full supply with renewables. But now the already moving train should be redirected again.
In clear text: some politicians want to tilt the subsidy, although solar energy is already cheaper than household electricity for 2012. It seems that in this discussion the long-term perspective of the eyes loses. The electricity prices rise due to high solar promotion on the contrary, with more green electricity prices will fall. Only in the summer the electricity price in trade fell as photovoltaics could cover almost the entire peak-load electricity. More green electricity leads to falling electricity prices on the stock exchange. According to a recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute ISE is always cheaper renewable electricity.
For small photovoltaic systems, the researchers expect that this no later than 2030 to generate a kilowatt hour for 10 cents and are absolutely competitive against fossil fuels. Already in 2010 were lower electricity prices to nearly 3.1 billion euros. But consumers did not arrive this positive effect. On the contrary, increased electricity prices. Because, despite high profits, continued high subsidies in the nuclear – and coal-based electricity flow four cents per kilowatt hour. A Greenpeace study showed that nuclear energy so far with more than 200 billion euros in Germany was State-funded.