Sensory Marketing

According to a study by the Rockefeller University humans remember 5% of what you see, 2% of what they hear, 1% of what it touches, compared with 35% of what smells like.In addition, they say that smell is the most developed sense at birth and nose to distinguish between more than 10,000 different aromas. With such virtue to our backs, or rather in our noses, is not surprising that many companies have spent time, money and effort in capturing our attention through such sense. And as the Marketing around it have to baptize, that concept comes the denomination of sensory Marketing; but in this article I will make special mention to Marketing aromatic or also called olfactory marketing.Hotel chains, shops of fashion and even banks, have opted for this subtle way to connect with our emotions and anchor our memories, since, let us remember, that the part of the brain responsible for emotions and memory, is also responsible for activating our sense of smell. I would not write this article without mentioning one of the brands that, in my opinion, best has worked and works the sensory Marketing (or Sensory Branding, since the company is American). It’s Abercrombie & Fitch and go into one of their stores is an awakening of the senses: of vision, through dependient@s which removes the hiccups, hearing, through a music which recreates the atmosphere of a nightclub, and smell, thanks to fragrance Fierce, created ad hoc for Abercrombie, all designed to make visit to any of its storesto become a brand experience that will generate conversation and virality. Personally, I was prey to the seduction of the sense of smell so well it has boosted the brand, when I visited their London store about two years ago, and some time later, after crossing me with a fleeting aroma that you made me family, suddenly, loomed memories that I moved for a few seconds to that store.


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