Solar Power Compensation

New solar power compensation from 9th March 2012 possible record high in the past year a lower case now follows. March 9, 2012 would decide the future of photovoltaics in Germany. On this day, the new draft law on the promotion of solar in the Bundestag is recited. Solar supporters and opponents expect that these plans in a drastic EEG cut end. In addition, there are plans not only a one-off reduction of up to 30 percent, but also a monthly reduction of 0.15 cents. In addition, that the plant owner no longer guaranteed for the entire solar electricity feed-in tariff will receive.

This leaves doubt on the plans for the massive development of renewable energies and the shutdown of nuclear power plants. Many suggest this initiative rather than a solar exit which does not deserve the term solar subsidies. Currently the Bill strongly reminiscent of a successful operation, which, however, the patient will not survive. She should innovations of solar promotion at the 9.3.2012 Reduce feed-in tariff by more than 30 percent. Would Bill accept Bundesrat and Bundestag, then it would be promptly to a unique cut. This would concern small plants up to 10 kilowatts, who received only 19.5 cents per kilowatt hour. For photovoltaic systems with a capacity of up to 1.000 kWp, there would be another 16.5 cents. The feed-in tariff for one would be 10 mWp plant only 13.5 cents per kilowatt hour.

A gradual reduction of the solar current remuneration is planned, which should be used from may 2012. The solar subsidies would know only one direction rapidly downward. Early next year small rooftop installations per kilowatt hour would still 18.15 cents and for solar power 1,000 kilowatt peak, the compensation on just 15.15 cents would be. This would correspond to a reduction of more than 31 percent. Under the guise of promoting the consumption of own design a market integration model”the ministries.

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