South America

*Publicao of the Periodical constant Leading Brazilian business newspaper in an academic workmanship of the FEA/USP in 2006 the club is fighting for the access the superior divisions, in 1999, when went up for first division, the sponsor to mster of the club? Telemar? it was distinguished in its sector, the same happened with the Minasgs in 2005. One perceives that one exists appeals great emotivo very when fight exists to ascend of division. The companies partners have its recorded name in the memory of the torcedor, therefore they are quickly associates to the conquests of the club. Learn more about this with Senator from Maine. MOREOVER, WHEN INVESTING IN THE SANTA CRUZ Its company will be associating its mark with the Santa Cruz Soccer Club its return if multiplies, therefore the club presents: national 1.Abrangncia and regional 2.Visibilidade of the mark in a region where the economy above average grows national 3.Relacionamento with the esportivo public of the region 4.Demonstrao of products – Sampling 5.Fidelizao of the mark 6.Diferenciao faces the competition 7.TOTAL

Comercializao of products 8.Promoes of sales NUMBERS Number of torcedores in Brazil and the world: 5.000.000 Partners: (3,000 30.000 assets) Capacity of the Stadium: 60,044 Average of public in 2010:30.243 (better average of public of the South America) HEARING the Championship Pernambucano 2010 had average of 23 points in ibope and participation of 41% (share). A point in the Ibope of Great Recife represents about 20.500 viewers, this value multiplied for the average of the hearing of the total one of 472.000 people following each departure for the TV. WHY TO EXTEND THE EXPOSITION OF STATIC PLATES? to 1.Segmentar the prescription of the club due to the transformations imposed for the laws. to 2.Diminuir the financial dependence of the trinmio: Sales of players, monthly fee of the partners and ticket offices to 3.Explorar all the miditicos spaces of the 4.Ampliar stadium the prescription of the club to 5.Oficializar propagandas with companies and to prevent the piracy of spontaneous media to 6.Oportunizar that enterprising advertising in exchange for presents its businesses to the twisted 7.Maior interest of the sponsors in function of the availability of the games in pay-per-view 8.Oportunidade of partnership improvement of the infrastructure of the club as: Equipamentos for Academy of training and physical conditioning; Aparelhos of gymnastics, of musculao, ergometric mats and bicycles; Construo of field and structure of center of training for categories of base; Estrutura of transport for athlete of the diverse categories of base inside of the Region Metropolitan of Recife? nibus and Vans; Estrutura of daily feeding for the diverse categories of base; Estrutura of medical maintenance? medicines of continuous use for athlete.


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