Tag Archives: climate & environment

Save Energy

Heating costs permanently low stop while outside temperatures are colder, rising rapidly in the interiors. It is however worth to take the setting of the heating thermostat exactly in appearances. Finally be less room temperature with every degree save energy … Continue reading

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Electricity Price Increases

E.ON regional subsidiaries increase electricity prices in April and may between price increases at about 65 electricity suppliers up to 12.1 percent, 2.5 percent and 6.6 percent in the coming months Berlin, February 15, 2010 after prices at around 200 … Continue reading

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Road Leads Solar Promotion

It is being debated about the solar subsidies after photovoltaics had gained momentum, ensues a renewed discussion of the promotion of solar. But studies have shown that the development of renewable energy without the Sun makes no sense. Therefore, it … Continue reading

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Energy Group GmbH

Cheaper electricity by photovoltaic systems a summer fairytale came true on July 16, 2011. Solar power had briefly break the purchase prices on the spot market of Leipzig power exchange. The purchase price halved and fell to 2.5 cents per … Continue reading

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Fraunhofer Institute ISE

Solar subsidies renewed discussions about the topic now renewable energy flow more kilowatt hours than the remaining nuclear power plants about 20 percent by German power grids last year produced. The solar power contributed 18 billion kilowatt hours and is … Continue reading

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Solar Power Compensation

New solar power compensation from 9th March 2012 possible record high in the past year a lower case now follows. March 9, 2012 would decide the future of photovoltaics in Germany. On this day, the new draft law on the … Continue reading

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Germany Trubadu

Heating with the power of the Sun – Solar air collectors themselves build currently on the market available solar air collectors are still very expensive relative to the collector. So are the payback periods in the range of 15-20 years. … Continue reading

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Cheaper Solar Power

New year, electricity price rises again at this news only a few in the run-up to Christmas were pleased. According to newspaper reports, the EU energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger supported the construction of 40 new nuclear power plants in Europe. … Continue reading

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Viet Nam

Besides own mixed forest forestation, ForestFinance acquires existing Acacia monocultures in Viet Nam, after the harvest in species-rich forest to convert them. For the Acacia is ideal, because it binds air nitrogen into the soil and thereby improving the quality … Continue reading

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