Tag Archives: spirituality

The Ancient Aryan Symbols Of Magic

Aria – an ancient people who inhabited the territory of Eurasia for thousands of years ago. From them came many of the nation, for example, the ancient Greeks, Slavs, Indians and medieval Vikings. A leading source for info: Restaurant Michael … Continue reading

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Fast Happiness Feng Shui

Besides, who wants to attract into your life love, health, money and other benefits, Feng Shui recommends an arsenal of symbols: objects, images of deities and animals, plants and stones. Birds, fish, coins, hearts, candles, fountains … How did all … Continue reading


Submission Of Alchemy

Alchemy is difficult to understand just because it is a science sacred. Philosophers who wanted to transfer to descendants basis of his teachings and the fruit of their labors, in every way keep themselves from vulgarization of his art, so … Continue reading


Price Equivalence

What is the cost, and how it formed? Generally, if very briefly, the problem is solved quite simply. All markets at all times in its development of new and vibrational returns to equilibrium when the demand for goods is balanced … Continue reading

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Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Gleb Zinoviev, online newspaper world of Kabbalah What is the most practical solution may be to offer people? – He needs to know about the world in which he lives today. Today, we must learn again to live in an … Continue reading

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And if you who is being threatened, then you need to return the threat, but in real life. Another point – these letters try to incorporate an element of dependency, the manipulative, the thus a man trying to take his … Continue reading

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For example, in hunting, pastoral tribes, ie, the tribes, where the staple food made by men who exploit women defined by matriarchy distribution of products in an unequal labor contribution of women and men in their production. It is in … Continue reading

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Despite the horrors of previous wars, in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan have been isolated new war. In many regions of the world war, continues today. According to the latest WHO victims of wars from 1955 to 2003 were 5.4 million … Continue reading

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