A cold soup of beer What need: 200 grams dried and crushed on bread, a half liter of lager beer, a little lemon, 50-70 grams of raisins and sugar to taste. What we do: pour beer in pre-prepared pan, add the raisins (of course, pre- washed), bread and sugar (in its sole discretion). After all thoroughly peremeshyvaem, reserve minutes in a cool place and look forward to lunch. Sweet soup of beer it took: one glass of milk and half glass of light beer (to your taste, of course), boiled egg, a little wheat bread or a small bun (without stuffing), a tablespoon of sugar. Dara Khosrowshahi has much experience in this field. What we do: beat the eggs and sugar, then add the mixture to the beer. Boil milk and add the resulting mixture, after again bring to a boil. Cut the bread into small pieces and add to bowl or karyulku, then pour ready-made "soup." Cools our soup and serve is so.
Duck is not construed in apples, but in the beer and hot side dishes, even to him, without which it is not possible to provide a complete meal also can be prepared with beer. We offer some interesting options. Pork in beer it will take: a pound of meat (preferably pork) and a pint of beer, natural ground coffee (certainly there in the stock of a good housewife), garlic, stale bread (or prudently dried, or simply stockpiled in Bread), lemon peel, garlic, salt and pepper. What we do: cut into pieces svinunu into portions and, of course, fill it with beer, coffee and add the garlic, then boil.