19.8. ACCORDING TO CLUB TYPE 19.8.1. ANONYMOUS SOCIETY DEFINITION The societies annimas are societies whose capital is divided in action and that some opportunities have directory. And the partners are denominated shareholders who have responsibility limited the contribution. CLASSES .1. COMMON the common societies annimas are those that subject to the general norms on societies annimas that contains the general law of societies .1. SPECIAL .1.1. ABIERTA to the society anmia abierta she is the one that has actions quoted in stock market and that has like certain minimum number of shareholders. .1.2. CLOSED the closed joint-stock company she is the one that does not have actions quoted in stock market and has maximum 20 shareholders. 19.8.2.
COMMERCIAL SOCIETY OF LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY. The commercial society of limited responsibility has its capital divided in participation and the partners have responsibility limited the contribution and the society does not have directory. 19.8.3. COLLECTIVE SOCIETY the collective society has its capital divided in participation, it does not have directory and the responsibility of the partners is shared in common and limitless, that is to say, it is not limited by the contributions. They have trade name. It has fixed term of duration. 19.8.4. LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS MAJORITIES In the limited partnerships the collective partners respond shared in common and limitlessly by the social obligations, whereas the silent partners respond only until the part of the capital who have themselves it jeopardize to contribute. The constituent act must indicate who are the collective partners and who the silent partners. The limited partnership can be simple or by action. SIMPLE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP To the simple limited partnership the dispositions regarding the collective society are applied, whenever they are compatible with his nature. Its capital is divided in participation. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY ACTION To the limited partnership by action is applied to the dispositions regarding the society annima, whenever they are compatible with his nature. Its capital is divided in action. 19.8.5. CIVIL SOCIETIES MAJORITIES