The Same

As they can be observed throughout the history of the humanity, many had been to the conquests, constructions, desconstrues and reconstructions front to the changes and necessities of if breaking paradigms as, for example, the model of family, the form to today think and to act of the people and the education and school model also clama for such transformation, not having to remain the same of previous centuries, since already more it does not accumulate of stocks the current demands. Rogers (1971, P. 104), say that we face new situations to each day and that, in if treating to education, if to want to survive, we need to facilitate to the learning and the adaptability to these changes. Such position is emphasized by Piletti (2006, p.79) when says: This relation professor-pupil must be one dynamic relation, as well as must be in all the relations. Leading in consideration that the pupils are not objects that can be manipulated by the professors, but that these can think to create and to reflect, that is, it is a human being and as such must be considered. An established time this dynamic relation of affectation, all can grow, that is, professor and pupil learn in an exchange of experiences and to know. Soon, this process of interaction can be a facilitador agent of the learning. Ahead of the displayed one, it is observed that not only Rogers, as other authors, share of the idea of that this relation is one of the basic estimated ones so that the significant learning happens. It becomes gift in the figure of the professor and the team educator when being with the pupil and must contemplate the economic, social and cultural context where the institution school if finds. Therefore, the current school does not have to be only one technological school, focada only in taking care of the abilities to be developed for performance of a profession, but an environment where professor and pupil can share its experiences, learn ones with the others, develop its citizenship in function of a healthful growth, perceive and accept equal and the different one in its relations with other people, cultures.


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