Not only in the winter with snow tires and all-weather tires are exactly the right tires. Often the question arises whether the winter and all-weather tires or All Season tires but are just absolutely the right choice better. All Season tires are, for example in states that are not quite as snowy. All-weather tires are more expensive care, this is about the year considered only one set all-weather tires needed. The resulting change from summer to winter tires and deleted for this reason as well as the expenditure. Starting at a temperature of less than 7 degrees provide Allwettereifen or winter tires or all-season tires as the best advantage. Winter tires provide a softer rubber composition of the mixture and also the profile is set up differently. The profile is noticeably more ribs than a summer tire.
The profile blades take considerably better in the ground and interlock in the snow. Summer tires have a much harder rubber compound composition of the profile of the tire of summer is not designed for snow, Instead, stop more for dry or wet roads roads in heavy rain to aquaplaning. Winter and all-weather tires should ideally not be older than five years, since the rubber compound hardens gradually, as if the profile is still sufficient or having the required tread depth. An all-weather or winter tires should be at least a minimum depth of 4 mm. But here one should not save in the wrong place and replace the Allwettereifen or winter tires sooner rather, it is recommended here a necessary tread depth of 6 mm. There are no really clear in the FRG winter tires mandatory, may nevertheless, in the case of an accident the car insurance forthwith times refuse to pay or pay only part where the car was not equipped with snow tires or Allwettereifen. Before the purchase of winter tires or all weather tires should note the age of tires, this can be seen using the so-called DOT number that is printed on each tire.
The first two digits of the DOT number indicate the week to build in the winter was, the last two indicate the year. Prior to the investment of all-weather or winter tires should be compared in any case, the cost and also not miss the network of networks. Many tire dealers tires now just send over the Internet or offer here even cheaper and cheaper prices.